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Chisholm Trail Parkway 2B

PROJECT Overview

Section 2B is a portion of NTTA’s new 27.6 mile toll road from downtown Fort Worth to Cleburne. Austin Bridge & Road constructed the new roadway over the Davidson Railroad Yard, one of the busiest in the country, and replaced the existing Hulen Street overpas - which spans Vickery Avenue, the Davidson Railroad Yard, and the Clear Fork of the Trinity River. The northbound structure is 2,132 feet long, the southbound structure 2,108 feet, and the Hulen Street overpass structure 1,650 feet. Minor structures include north- and southbound Chisholm Trail Parkway over a tributary to the Trinity that are 221 feet in length each. Scope also included bridge work, substructure, structural steel plate girders, and prestressed concrete beams. The project overcame several challenges, which included working in an active rail yard, train traffic, other adjacent NTTA projects occurring simultaneously, and environmental compliance regulations.

awards & recognition

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